Hudsonville Congregational United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming church. We celebrate our human family’s diversity of race, age, cultural background, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, family structure, education, faith history, economic status, marital status, spiritual journey, and life circumstances. Aided by this God-given gift of diversity, we strive to reflect God’s unconditional love to all creation, and we affirm that all people are created in God’s image. We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministries of Hudsonville Congregational United Church of Christ. We believe that God is still speaking and as Jesus prayed, one day we will all be one.
We recognize that the universal church has at times rejected difference and denied God’s promises for itself and others. We believe we can love alike, even though we may not think alike. So, we boldly proclaim, “Welcome, ALL who seek God’s life-giving grace. Come as you are, so together, we will make a world of difference.”